Quotable Quote:

Who covets more, is evermore a slave. ~Robert Herrick

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Stepping Away from Sugar

I knew I was in trouble. I could think of nothing but treats! I was at Costco with my friend, Margaret, and needed to purchase Halloween candy for the Trunk or Treat. I grabbed the candy I love best, gooey and chocolatey and oh-so-satisfying. And I knew that if I made the mistake of opening that bag before I gave it to Allan I would be truly sorry--and so would he.

So I made a decision. It was time to stop eating candy and cookies and cake and doughnuts and pie and ice cream and anything else that would feed my addiction to sugar. I have done this in the past around the Christmas holidays, but never as early as this. But it's something that I have needed to do to get my eating back in control.

I haven't missed the junk that much. I have had a few difficult times, including manning the desserts (cake, cheesecake, brownies, shortcake cookies, etc.) at a funeral luncheon. I have withstood it all, and had the wonderful added benefit of daily nasty headaches and sinus problems disappearing. What a testimony of staying away from all that sugar and junk! So far I have gone 9 days without treats, and I am doing just fine, thanks to sugar-free Swiss Miss.

So, come January, when the holidays are over, and the last of the wonderful fudge and See's candy and peanut brittle and shortbread cookies and caramel corn and toffee are eaten up, maybe I will slip back into my old habits. Or maybe, hopefully, I will have found joy in the people I am with and the wholesome food that actually nourishes my body.

It could happen.