Quotable Quote:

Who covets more, is evermore a slave. ~Robert Herrick

Monday, December 14, 2009

Holiday Traditions

I love the lights, music, and happy spirit of the Christmas season. Making gifts, decorating, baking and cooking, and watching heartwarming movies makes the holiday time fun and cozy. I sometimes become overwhelmed at the thought of all the presents to present to offspring, but I believe I have overcome that hurdle this year (more on that later).

In the past singing in various choirs has been a wonderful way to bring the holiday mood up. I haven't sung in a holiday choir for a few years, since I tend to get a bug in my throat at this time of year; I'm not fighting it, I am just lying low and enjoying everyone else's fabulous singing.

Here in the Northwest we have a situation that doesn't happen in every part of the country (though more in other parts): It's dark here A LOT. It gets fully light at about 8:00 AM, and fully dark by about 4:00 or 4:30 PM, depending on how cloudy it is. This makes for enhanced enjoyment of Christmas lights. Bless all of you who put up light extravaganzas and even leave them on until morning! I have been taking a 1-hour walk early in the morning (dark) and give many thanks for the lovely front yards and rooftops that have interesting, colorful shows, seemingly just for me. I have read this season comments on various blogs and news establishments about how un-green Christmas lights are, and how much it costs to have them going. Bah humbug to that! When you barely have 8 hours of daylight, Christmas lights are more than simply a way to celebrate the season, they truly light up lives. Mine, at least.

Do you have holiday traditions that help you enjoy the season?