Quotable Quote:

Who covets more, is evermore a slave. ~Robert Herrick

Monday, October 26, 2009


Our Northwest weather is wet and cool, reminding me every day lately that it is definitely autumn. Our wonderful maple in the front yard has been reflecting brightness into the living room as it does every year, making it seem as if the sun is out, even if it's not. The leaves are mostly a vivid yellow, and they were littering the yard and street before I raced outside to rake most of them up when the rain let up earlier today. My compost pile is beautifully covered with colorful leaves and topped with the dozen red roses that Allan surprised me with week before last, which are spent.

My 50 Things Project continues. It is surprising what are coming out of the cobwebs to find homes elsewhere. It is also amazing what I have kept and what I can live without. Pet food dishes? Really!

Since I have rid this house of the first and most obvious layers of unnecessaries, the challenge becomes more...challenging. I have some general ideas of where to look for more opportunities to let go. I am finding that if I am open, things just come to me. Something I never would have predicted is now happening: There is room on my shelves where books used to be. Not tons of room or anything, just space on each shelf where books are actually leaning, not jammed into soldier-straightness. So exciting!

This is like spring cleaning, only the opposite time of year. Could this be a new tradition?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Moving Through the 50 Things Project

Wow, it's hard to believe how difficult it is to get rid of 50 things! All the work I have done, and it's only like 14 things. Now, granted, I am not counting each button and screw I found on the dryer as an individual thing, but really. I keep going to the same places in the house and attempting to find something I don't want to keep. I did just find a photo album that I never opened, a gift from the past. But I am thinking of keeping that in the gift basket in the closet for a future gift, not getting rid of it. Hmmm.

So, I have completely cleaned out the linen closet in the upstairs hall, and I have begun to clean out the coat closet in the den downstairs. I have found that, since I don't live alone, I stumble upon (shelves and boxes of) things that don't belong to me, and I don't get to decide about the contents of those shelves and boxes. One example is a mysterious box over on what was once my husband's side of the garage. On the very top of the open box is a typing instruction book. Simply out of curiosity I picked up the book (which I long ago asked my husband if he really needs, and he said maybe) and looked at the copyright: 1970. It looks much older. It isn't, however, my book to get rid of, so I am keeping my hands off.

There are lots of things like that in our garage and various rooms in the house. My son's room is totally jammed with things. I know; when I stumble upon something that I think may be a candidate for my 50 things, I will just ask. There are a dozen broken drumsticks in the den; if you see them on my list, you will know I have succeeded.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The 50 Things Project

Yesterday I read The 50 Things Project and decided to give it a try. I have been collecting things lately, a pastime when I am feeling stressed out. Maybe compulsion is a better word. But the time has come to, once again, purge. The object of the project is to "Just get rid of fifty things that are serving no purpose in your life." When Kate described this, I get the impression she was talking about stuff around the house and yard, but I am hoping to get rid of less tangible things, too, like maybe a lousy attitude about something or other. So, for the next few weeks, look for my list of 50 things, which will start tomorrow.

I just began cleaning out my closet, because a friend handed me down some beautiful suits I couldn't pass up. Since that was last week, though, I won't count my beginning closet emptying as one or more of the 50 things. One of the things I am the happiest about is a little purse that I have gotten much use out of, but that is becoming frayed and is actually too small for my needs. I have kept it more for sentimental reasons than anything else. Goodbye!

Also this past week I posted like 20 books on paperbackswap.com, where I trade books. Already I have had requests to send out 4 books--a great way to get rid of stuff. The only drawback is that I tend to order and receive as many books as I send out, so it may not actually be in the spirit of The 50 Things Project. Although, in all honesty, I do use some of them as gifts. It is, however, nice to realize I don't need to hang on to every book on my shelves. Now, I won't count the previously posted books from paperbackswap as one or some of my 50 things, but other books I find new homes or uses for I will count.

Wish me well on my journey. Would any of you care to join me on your own?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Full Swing into Autumn

The wedding is all over, except for the leftover food and napkins, and it's good to be through it. Rhiannon was a beautiful bride, and tears sprang to my eyes when I saw Kyle standing in front of his family and all of us, waiting for his wife-to-be to join him for the ceremony. I am happy to have a new son-in-law and the bonus of a first grandchild.

Autumn has arrived in full force, with our first frost this past weekend. I have denuded the pumpkin patch and have much garden clean-up to do. Leaves are blazing and the furnace is keeping the house cozy. Egg production is a little bit down. Rain and warmer weather has set in, so outside chores are a bit different and inside cooking is turning to comfort foods. I enjoy this time of year.

My good friend and walking partner of sorts texted me the other night asking if I have a good recipe for zucchini bread and do I want some. I said yes, thinking she meant bread (but she didn't), and became the proud possessor of 2 huge zucchini. Now, I have some summer squash left to eat from my own garden--I made sure to pick it small and tender. These whoppers take a little more effort! The first one I stuffed with, well, stuffing. It was good, and lasted through one dinner and a number of lunches. Allan suggested the second be prepared like eggplant parmesan at Olive Garden. Here's what I did: I sliced the zucchini into rounds, breaded the slices, and pan fried them. I put them in the oven for 20 minutes. While this was going on I prepared a nice red sauce from tomato paste, water, onion, garlic, and spices. All was going well, but I didn't really like the donut-shaped zucchini patties. I ended up stuffing them with leftover ham from the wedding. I layered everything in a pan with sauce, parmesan and shredded mozerella. It was a hit with all those who would try zucchini.

In preparing for the holidays, I generally cut out sugary treats around Halloween and stay away from them until well after the first of the year. With the stress of the wedding and other things going on, I turned to food as usual. I have taken off 24 pounds this year through counting calories (and staying at a certain level) and upping the exercise a bit, and need to continue losing, but am at a plateau which is not being helped by my less-than-helpful choices. So I started the first phase of the South Beach plan, which is sort of a cleanse of the no-sugar-no-starches variety. This is helping me stay away from the goodies! I already feel better with more veggies and less junk in my system.

What do you do to prepare for the holidays? What are your favorite autumn foods and activities?