Quotable Quote:

Who covets more, is evermore a slave. ~Robert Herrick

Monday, April 30, 2012

My One Weakness

Bleeding Heart
Sweet Woodruff

I am enjoying my garden, the community garden where I volunteer, and PLANT SALES! I put the Central Valley Plant Sale on my calendar, and it worked out that I was able to attend, albeit briefly. Which was a good thing, since I got there 20 minutes after it opened and the inventory was quite diminished..

Candy Tuft
Red Tulip
I spent $8.50 and came out with catmint, pineapple mint, 2 scented geraniums (gerania?), and a native plant called fringe cup to replace the one that I killed last year. It was a short, delightful, rather cheap activity that will hopefully give me much joy in the future.

Yellow Tulip



Johnny Jump Up

Grape Hyacinth

Here are some plants from my garden that are doing well and giving me hope for the future of my little plot here in the space we live between East Bremerton and Silverdale, WA.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Infant Gift-Giving on a Budget

I am being invited to many baby showers right now, for some reason. Many of my young friends are multiplying!! I love these parties, but it can be expensive and sometimes limited if you simply look through the register (if there is one) and get something on the list. I have loved receiving hand-made gifts, and give those whenever I can. Right now, with our gift-giving allocation in the budget at about zero, it's a great time to brush up on my hand-making skills and make the shower gifts for friends' babies.

A young mom told me how much she liked some hand-knit washcloths I had given her in the past, which made me feel like my little bit of trouble was appreciated and the gift was actually useful. In the past couple months I have made some flannel blankets with crochet edging [modified from http://sewchic.blogspot.com/2007/07/crocheted-edge-blanket-tutorial.html ] . Pretty easy and fun, and I thought very cute, too. (A great friend of mine made these many years ago, and I was thoroughly disappointed not to get one when I had my last baby!) Also in my repertoire have been burp cloths, of which Mom can never have enough. Not really a keepsake novelty, but practical and (possibly) cute nonetheless. Bibs are another reliable standby. Even sweet toys are beginning to pop up on my radar.

What do you enjoy giving as baby gifts? What is the favorite gift you received when your babies were born?  

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Light Reading

I haven't been reading much in the past few months, but it seems as if the library requests I have made have all come in at once. A story on NPR caught my interest a few months ago about Bringing Up Bebe (add accent marks) and it finally came in--just as I have found some time to settle down and read. 

Though I'm only about a third of the way through it, I am finding this great reading. One reason is that it's in an easy conversational style. Another is that I agree with the French ideal of parenting. Why should having kids ruin your life and the experience of all people around you?? 

The book starts with limits around getting the baby to sleep through the night, teaching young children the concept of waiting, and treating infants like "tiny little humans" capable of learning. 

One thing it points out is that French aren't interested in comparing and competing like Americans. I remember sitting with some young mothers soon after my first baby was born and listening to them compare percentile rankings of their babies, as if these rankings were important. So what if your kid is so fat he's in the top percentile for weight? He won't be able to roll over until he's 3 years old! 

I'm surprised that this book is even interesting, because I am well through the times of raising and training children. But it is an interesting look at the way people in our culture view parenting and children on an anthropological level. 

I am past halfway through Jane Austen Made Me Do It, a collection of short stories inspired by Austen's writings. Every story is really different: some are extensions of the familiar stories, some are twists or turns from the stories, some are ghost stories set in modern times, etc. I am not that fond of Jane Austen's tales, nor am I generally into short stories, but these have been rather fun. I actually ordered a copy for someone's birthday later this year.

The House at Sugar Beach is less light, and I'm not exactly reading it. I am listening to it in the car. It is the autobiographical work of Helene Cooper, who grew up in Liberia. I never knew freed slaves from the United States had the opportunity to settle in Liberia in the 1820s and beyond, but they did. This woman grew up wealth and status in that country in the 1960s and '70s as a descendant of the freed slaves, only to have to move to the U.S. as a result of violence and extreme political unrest in Liberia. Her story is moving and enlightening. 

Are you reading anything interesting?