Quotable Quote:

Who covets more, is evermore a slave. ~Robert Herrick

Friday, October 28, 2011

Amaryllis Belladonna

I don't recall if I posted on this topic earlier, but I don't think I did. While I was down at my parents' house this past August, I noticed some lone flowers around the edges of their property. I asked my brother, Daryl, who does most of the yard keeping, what they were, and he replied that they were naked ladies, and he would share some bulbs with me before I left. These were curious flowers and I wanted to find out more about them, but I was hesitant to enter "naked ladies" on the computer, for fear I would be inundated by another kind of naked lady.

The mystery was solved when we went to the bookstore, and I looked up Naked Ladies in the Sunset Western Gardening book--and the flower is called amaryllis belladonna. The bulbs shoot up long skinny leaves, which die away, and then later the solitary, leafless, stunning flower emerges.

The reason I bring all this up now is that my bulbs are sending up skinny leaves (which Daryl said it would), and I believe they were tickled by some abundant rain we had weeks ago. Is this timing good for them? Is this really a place where they will survive?? If you know, let me know, please. And if not, stay tuned.


KariMarie said...

I definitely have no idea, but I will stay tuned. I want to see gorgeous naked ladies in your yard.

Lorraine Butler said...

My blog got erased when I named the post "Naked Ladies." That was an event!!

Lorraine Butler said...

My mom said her naked ladies are sending up leaves, too. Whew, they're normal!

Gayle Daly said...

I wondered what happened to your naked ladies. It did kind of shock me the first time around.