Quotable Quote:

Who covets more, is evermore a slave. ~Robert Herrick

Friday, September 5, 2014

Clayton's Book

Clayton is turning 2 today and I made him a little book so he can practice different words. All it took was a few magazines and photos, colored card stock, and clear contact paper. I almost hate to give it away!
House. Mailbox. Tree. People.
Big red barn. Cow. Chick. Egg. Goat. Piggies. Bunny.
My family.
Birds and animals. (Bad pic; the book is nicer.)
Balls. (Don't google this.)
American flags.
Clayton is 2!


Gayle Daly said...

Is this along the lines of a quiet book for church? Lots of patriotic pictures. Did he pick out the pictures with you and you made the book together?

Lorraine Butler said...

Gayle, it's more for discussing with someone else so he can practicing talking. He has never been quiet in church a day in his life, so I don't know if this would help or hurt. I picked the pictures myself. It was a fun project. Look at the blog again, I finished the post properly.

KariMarie said...

I like it! Nicely done!!

Michael and Denise said...

Nice job! I was wondering what your "project" was.