Quotable Quote:

Who covets more, is evermore a slave. ~Robert Herrick

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Looking for the Spring in Spring Break

Yesterday it had the audacity to snow. SNOW! I know it was April fools and everything, but this is getting ridiculous. I am considering putting in a garden, but am awaiting the last frost date. When may that be?
Today, though, we were lucky enough to simply be pelted with rain. Chloe and Allan went to Zion's Camp for a mini-vacation. I hope they took wood for a campfire, and that they really did get a cabin as they had hoped. I don't know how their stuff would have stayed dry in a tent.
I did something I have done very few times in my life: I ordered pizza for Justin, Silas and me, and had it delivered. I took a (very small) poll and it was decided that meaty pizza was the order of the day. As the three of us had our fill and rain was falling so hard on the roof we could hardly hear ourselves chew, Justin and I high-fived our decision to forgo camping and stay in the cozy house.
It is lucky that we have so many computers. Justin has spent the day in his room playing Sims 2. Silas was in the family room watching movies on the computer. I was here in the living room watching my favorite tv shows on my new-to-me laptop. It's a good thing we had to eat, or we may never have seen each other all day, even though we virtually never left the house after 3 pm. I offered to make blonde brownies so that we would have another meeting, which we did around a quick helping of dessert.

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