Quotable Quote:

Who covets more, is evermore a slave. ~Robert Herrick

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Garden News

Beans, potatoes, squash, cucumbers, melons, beets, spinach, carrots, and radishes have sprouted! Oh, and weeds, too.

The 2 apple trees I planted last year have promising fruit on them.

I can now tell Agnes, Anne, and Colleen apart. Agnes is up in the nest hoping for babies. She never believes me when I tell her they are not to be.

These beans are really pretty.

Lettuce is thriving on the side yard. We enjoy fresh salad most nights.

The asparagus I planted, not quite knowing which end was up, is growing nicely.

The herb barrel flourishes.

This hummingbird feeder, priced at $4, has been the purchase which has brought me the greatest joy this spring. These little birdies are dive-bombing each other, swooping all over the yard, and licking their long chops with their sewing-needle-sized tongues. I made the mistake of fixing up super-strong sugar-water the first go-round, so our feeder has been well-populated. And the warmer days are abuzz with hummingbirds. I had never even seen one in our yard before this season!


Becky Blunt said...

Are Agnes, Anne, and Colleen your sisters' middle names?

Lorraine Butler said...

Yes, they are. I have one other sister, so I suppose the next chicken may be named Christine. Deep down I bet she doesn't mind feeling left out.