Quotable Quote:

Who covets more, is evermore a slave. ~Robert Herrick

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sweet Finds

Have you ever had a thought that you needed something, or that you could really use something, and then it just happened in your path like it was simply meant for you to have it? This has happened to me many times: just look in my garage! Seriously, though, last October I took a class in Seattle for one of my volunteer jobs and realized I needed some better shoes for walking in inclement weather. During lunch I went to a Value Village, one of my old haunts when I worked nearby, and found just the perfect shoes for $6.00. They were practically new, a well-known brand name, and totally affordable, even on my budget. And since October they have traveled many miles on my feet, and kept my feet warm and dry, no matter what the weather.
Then, a couple of weeks ago, I was at our local Value Village, and happened upon a dollhouse. Do I need a dollhouse? No, definitely not. But...I have always wanted one, and with Sophie coming over, I thought it would be a fun project for the two of us to work on together. And Chloe could help, too, if she would like. I am imagining spool-knitted rugs, match-box beds, and all kinds of things. This was a completely impulsive buy, not usually like me. It has occurred to me that I may be shifting my eating compulsion to frivolous thrift-store purchases.
Finally, I was at the local St. Vincent De Paul and spotted this beauty in the case. Now, for those that don't frequent the places of business I do, these cases of which I speak are where the collectibles or really expensive things are. Really expensive to people who come especially for the 99 cent sales, that is, since the items in the case will never be 99 cents. Anyhow, I took one look at the miniature pot (perfect for melting butter or warming chilled pancake syrup, or many other uses, I am sure) with its matching trivet and realized they exactly matched the Dutch oven I had inherited from my grandmother (and Great-Grandma had one, too)! I called my friend Kathryn over to the case, and explained the match. "Well," she said energetically, "then you have to get it," which is what I knew she would say. And I did.
I have now imposed a moratorium on purchases until all my projects, including the dollhouse, not-yet-constructed clothing, various knitted and crocheted items, and my laundry room storage shelves are assembled and appropriately filled.


Helene said...

That is an adorable little pot. And I'm happy to see those glasses back in your possession!

KRad said...

That dollhouse find is amazing! What a fun project. Sounds like you are the perfect treasure hunter.