We now have so many little ones in the nursery I don't have the same kind of time to watch them and notice their little funny quirks and ways. But I will do my best.
B. was the happiest boy. He showed us all by dancing around the middle of the room when he wasn't engaged in anything else, and by smiling his great big smile to whomever he was near. He is a joy in nursery.
A. was a little grumpy. She came up to me with a doll and just started yelling, and when I asked her if she wanted the doll's clothes off (she likes them in the buff best) she actually used words. Yes!
I like T.'s new haircut. Losing the mohawk happened at the same time he decided to not be so tough with the other kids. He likes to sing duets with me in the microphone. It was Old McDonald's cow this time.
E. just loves the nursery workers. She hung out with our newest helper most of yesterday. Her speech is just blossoming.
G. is still his expressive, enthusiastic self. He can't help himself from hugging T. often, and yesterday they were getting along famously.
J. clung to her mom and was sad when I pried her off, and she played with the little doll house the entire play time. She likes lining up the furniture around the house.
S. zoomed around the place using her big muscles. She sometimes gets a twinkle getting into other people's activities, but backs off it you notice. Oh, darn!
O. and P. are young, and are both blonde, and yesterday had similar sweaters on. P. is rather silent, and loves to empty puzzles and bins. Fortunately, he can be persuaded to put them back (usually to re-empty), but that's fine. O. is exploding into speech, and had a great time pointing out the body parts on the doll and then pointing out body parts on himself. Mostly they didn't match.
L.B. couldn't hold it together without her mom, and had to go to her dad. Boy does her face get red! Hopefully she will adjust soon.
S. and L. were easy to tell apart. L, I think, bumped her nose before church, and had a little mark. They are just cruising along as big nursery girls, except I noticed that one twin got taken out for a photo and the other twin melted into inconsolable hysterics. And her mom was even there!
K.R. was quiet, but she zoomed around getting into all different toys and activities. She acted a little sad when she noticed one of the leaders looking at her, sitting down and making a pouty face. She is still very quiet.
T. seems like he will adjust well. He likes to play with the toys and the kids. As the fourth child in his family, he's pretty good at sharing and getting over it when someone takes his stuff.
K.B. came for a little bit with his mom, but stayed glued to her the whole time. She is really enjoying her last baby, and is in no rush to push him off into nursery.
D. came with his grandma, but doesn't seem to handle being with us too well. I won't take it personally.
Of course I have forgotten my camera, but will try for photos soon.